Dessert Drinks with Drew

Dessert Drinks with Drew

Dessert Drinks with Drew

Photographer and office mixologist shares some of his favorite dessert drinks.

White Russian

2 oz. Kahlúa
1 oz. vodka
1 oz. heavy cream

Fill a rocks glass with ice. In a small measuring cup, combine vodka and Kahlúa. Pour vodka mixture into glass, then pour cream over.

Brandy Alexander

1 oz. brandy
1 oz. dark crème de cacao
2 oz. heavy cream

Step 1: Fill a cocktail glass with ice water. In a cocktail shaker, combine cognac, crème de cacao, and cream. Fill shaker with ice. Cover and vigorously shake until outside of shaker is very frosty, about 30 seconds.

Step 2: Empty cocktail glass.


1 oz. green creme de menthe
1 oz. ounce white creme de cacao
2 oz. heavy cream

Add the green creme de menthe, white creme de cacao and heavy cream into a cocktail into glass with ice and stir vigorously until well-chilled.