5 EYEWITNESS NEWS, 45TV, Minnesota Live and Twin Cities Live at the 2022 state fair

At this year’s Great Minnesota Get-Together, come meet all your TV favorites during live newscasts and shows at the fairgrounds.
The KSTP-TV building is located on the east side of Chambers Street between West Dan Patch and Carnes avenues.
Viewers can see 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS anchors, meteorologists and reporters deliver the news in person during all 12 days of the fair.
If you’re a Minnesota Live or Twin Cities Live devotee, you can meet Chris Egert, Megan Newquist, Elizabeth Ries and Ben Leber during live broadcasts every weekday. Minnesota Live will be broadcast live from 9-10 a.m., and Twin Cities Live will run 3-4:30 p.m.
Sundays will feature favorite MeTV shows.
And that’s not all – Visitors can win $1,000 from Old National Bank; a trip for four during our Sun Country Airlines Patio Party; or freebies from 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS, 45TV, Minnesota Live and Twin Cities Live.
Visit these links to see rules for the Old National Bank and Sun Country giveaways.
Those who stop by can also check out a new mural depicting the history and innovation of KSTP-TV created by Minnesota artist Adam Turman.
Whether you stop by to charge your phone courtesy of Device Pitstop, play games with 45TV’s Dr. Chuck Ells, or watch live shows and sporting events, we’d love to see you from Aug. 25 – Sept. 5.
All proceeds from fair merchandise will go to help Open Arms Minnesota open a new kitchen in St. Paul, which will allow them to serve outstate Minnesotans.
Merchandise available for purchase:
- $5 – Recipe Calendar featuring family favorite dishes from your favorite anchors and talent on Twin Cities Live and Minnesota Live
- $5 – Rain poncho
- $15 – Twin Cities Live coffee mug
- $25 – Twin Cities Live Belt Bag – available for purchase in advance at this link
More information about the 2022 Minnesota State Fair can be found here. Follow KSTP-TV for all fair-related coverage.