The best boxed brownie 

The best boxed brownie

The best boxed brownie

Terry John Zila of Hepcat coffee helps us decide which boxed brownies taste the best.

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Bittersweet Chocolate Sauce


3 tablespoons water

3 tablespoons sugar

6 ounces semi, or bittersweet chocolate, chopped

2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped

1 cup whipping cream

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

1. Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Stir the

    mixture constantly until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and cool until mixture reads

    120°F on an instant-read thermometer.

2. Melt chocolates in the microwave or on the top of a double boiler just until chocolate is

    melted. Remove from heat and pour in 120°F sugar syrup and stir until smooth.

3. Heat cream in a small saucepan over low heat until mixture reaches 120°F. Pour into chocolate

    mixture and stir until smooth.

Bourbon Caramel Cream Sauce

Makes 2 cups


1 pound granulated sugar

1 quart heavy cream

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

¼ cup bourbon, such as Maker’s Mark

1.   Melt the sugar in a 4-quart heavy-bottomed sauce pan. Stir the sugar constantly as it

      melts to avoid any lumps. Continue stirring until the caramel is a deep reddish-brown


2.   Very carefully, add about half the cream. Use caution as the cream will bubble

      vigorously as it dissolves the hot caramel. When the boil begins to slow, add the

      rest of the cream.

3.   Whisk the sauce until the caramel is thoroughly dissolved. Whisk the vanilla extract

      and the bourbon into sauce. Reduced to the desired consistency, or until you have

      about 2 cups of sauce.

Spiced Pecans

Special equipment: Rimmed baking sheet, Parchment paper


1 ½ pounds Pecans

1 teaspoon Salt

⅜ teaspoon Cayenne

⅜ teaspoon Nutmeg

⅜ teaspoon Cinnamon

2 tablespoons Sugar

½ teaspoon Paprika

⅛ teaspoon Cloves

⅛ teaspoon Allspice

Olive Oil spray

¼ cup Maple syrup

1. Preheat oven to 350°F

2. Combine all spices in a bowl

3. Warm the nuts on a rimmed baking sheet for 5 minutes

4. Place the warmed nuts in a large mixing bowl and spray with oil

5. Add spices and toss until thoroughly coated

6. Drizzle the maple syrup over nut/spice mixture until the syrup is evenly distributed

7. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment and spread nut mixture in an even layer and     roast for 5-8 minutes, until the pecans become golden. DO NOT OVER ROAST!