What will happen to the site of George Floyd’s memorial?

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Over the past month, thousands of people from all over the country have flocked to 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis. That’s where George Floyd died in police custody. People are bringing flowers, paying tribute and memorializing Floyd.

As many continue to visit the site where Floyd died in south Minneapolis, the question is, "What to do with the area going forward?"

"Here locally, we have an obligation to keep sacred what is sacred," said Angela Conley, Hennepin County commissioner.

But the memorial is also raising some concerns for those who live nearby. With that area blocked off, neighbors have expressed concerns about speeding drivers on surrounding streets.

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"We put speed bumps in the alleyways adjacent to the George Floyd memorial," said Steve Mosing, Minneapolis Traffic Operations engineer.

Those temporary speed bumps are in the alleys between Elliot Avenue and 10th Avenue.

"[Speed bumps] might take that traffic that is diverting onto the residential system and keep it on the arterial system where the traffic should be to follow the detour that is in place," said Mosing.

Spray paint also marks where more will be installed along Columbus Avenue.

Minneapolis City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins said they’ve been exploring different options for the future of the site.

"A roundabout has been organically created, as well as I’ve heard from a number of people that that is a desire," said Jenkins.

The idea is that a roundabout would make it easier for the traffic flow while also allowing Floyd’s physical memorial to stay.

Jenkins said the city council plans to have many more discussions with the public before deciding what to do next.