George Floyd memorial vandalized again; 2nd time since August

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The George Floyd memorial off of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in south Minneapolis has been vandalized for a second time in seven weeks.

A profane message targeting several individuals spay-painted in red over the mural of Floyd’s face was written early Sunday morning.

"It’s a target, it’s the sign of the divisive times we’re in, and how much people are afraid of confronting the racism within themselves,” said Pam Colby, who often walks through memorial. “And so they’d rather reach out and lash out than deal with it."

The memorial was vandalized in August as well. It had since been restored.

George Floyd memorial vandalized, tarp now covers up artwork

Memorial volunteers said the mural was already scheduled to undergo repairs before the incident.

The street corner where George Floyd died in May has been blocked off from traffic as the memorial has grown.

"Every day, I see a new person that has come here for the first time and is experiencing all the emotions, this is such a place of emotions," Colby said.

The city of Minneapolis has been coming up with ideas for the area around George Floyd Square. Click here to see those.

"Over here we continually say people over property," said community leader Marcia Howard about how the incident won’t deter them from the larger issue.

Howard said the protest continues in this space in hopes the city will listen to their ’24 points for justice’ as they push for system social change. One of those points includes funding neighborhood associations to help create new jobs for young people to help deter violence.

"It’s an autonomous protest site, yeah, we’re still fighting for ‘Justice Resolution 001’ but it’s also a community and a memorial, it’s a place of vigil, mourning and protest," Howard said.

Minneapolis Police said earlier on Tuesday that no one had reported the vandalism to the department.