Walz signs 2 executive orders relating to COVID-19 response

Gov. Tim Walz signed two executive orders on Friday related to the state’s COVID-19 response.

The first order, Executive Order 21-15, prevents federal COVID-19 stimulus checks from being counted against eligibility for programs administered by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

The other, Executive Order 21-16 rescinds five previous executive orders Walz says are no longer needed. That includes Executive Order 20-03, which allowed the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs to place visitation restrictions on Minnesota Veterans Homes.

Walz also repealed executive orders related to expanded access to unemployment insurance (Executive Orders 20-05 and 20-102) and distance learning in schools (Executive Orders 20-41 and 20-57). The order also amends Executive Order 20-82, which pertains specifically to the 2020-21 school year.

The two new executive orders will be effective once the Executive Council approves them.

Walz: All Minnesotans 16 and older eligible for COVID-19 vaccine starting Tuesday