Walz certifies 2020 Minnesota electors

Gov. Tim Walz certified Minnesota’s 2020 electors on Wednesday.

According to a release from the Governor’s Office, Walz certified 21 election certificates: 10 for Minnesota’s presidential electors, 10 alternate presidential electors and one for Minnesota’s 2020 U.S. Senate election.

The electors will cast their votes for president for Joe Biden, who defeated President Donald Trump in Minnesota, and incumbent Senator Tina Smith, who won reelection over challenger Jason Lewis.

Minnesota state board certifies 2020 election results; state sets voter turnout record

"Minnesota has ranked number one in the country for voter turnout three elections in a row now," Walz said. "In an election like none other in our history, Minnesotans across the state made their voices heard and the results of this election are clear. Today, I fulfilled my duty as Governor to certify Minnesota’s electors who will vote on behalf of our state for President-Elect Joe Biden, as well as Senator Tina Smith’s election to the U.S. Senate. I would like to thank all of our poll workers, the State Canvassing Board, and the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office for their excellent work on behalf of our state."

According to the Minnesota Secretary of State, 79.96% of eligible Minnesotans participated in the 2020 general election. That marks the highest turnout percentage since 1956.