VIDEO: Klobuchar uses opening statement during Barrett Supreme Court hearing to talk health care

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During the hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Monday, Sen. Amy Klobuchar used her opening statement to focus on health care.

LIVE VIDEO: Health care is focus as Barrett Supreme Court hearing opens

Klobuchar, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, spoke about the experiences her husband and father had with COVID-19. She also talked about St. Paul Public Schools’ Board Chairperson Marny Xiong, who died of the virus at 34.

Klobuchar targeted part of her statement to voters, saying, "Why are you voting? … You know that your health, your health care is on the line. You know that they are trying to push through a justice who has been criticial of upholding the Affordable Care Act and they’re doing it in the middle of a pandemic. And you can see here, in this room, the misplaced priorities of this Republican-run Senate."

Listen to Klobuchar’s full statement via the video player above.

Watch the proceedings live here