TRUTH TEST: Golf-themed TV ad attacking Angie Craig lands in the rough
For the second time this election cycle the Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC that seeks to elect Republicans to the U.S. House, takes aim at Democratic Congresswoman Angie Craig for her votes in favor of the American Rescue Plan bill in 2021.
The $1.9 trillion dollar bill featured $1,400 payments to most Americans and $350 billion to state and local governments to help with economic development and other needs to help weather the pandemic financial crisis.
“D.C. elites are always putting taxpayers on the tee,” the TV ad states, showing a woman in heels hitting a golf ball. “Take Minnesota’s Angie Craig. You’re paying more for gas and groceries because she partnered up with Pelosi to stroke a big check.”
That’s a reference to the $1.9 trillion in spending in the American Rescue Plan. “Millions got chipped in to fancy golf courses and luxury resorts,” the ad continues.
It is true an Associated Press investigative report from March 2022 showed $140 million going to a publicly owned luxury hotel in Florida and $6.6 million for irrigation projects on two Colorado golf courses. There is also money for a ski slope in Iowa, a minor league ballpark in New York and several other economic development projects funded through the bill.

An ad from the Congressional Leadership Fund attacks Democratic Rep. Angie Craig's vote on the American Rescue Plan. It contains some truthful information but significantly exaggerates and misleads on Craig's role on how the $1.9 trillion bill was appropriated, earning it a "D" on the "Truth Test."
However, the decision to spend money on those projects was made by local governments, not Craig and other Democratic members of Congress. Although it is true they passed the larger bill that made those decisions possible.
“They got the green. You’re paying the price. Because when it comes to spending your tax dollars, it’s all just a game to Angie Craig,” the TV ad concludes, trying to make the case that spending millions on hotels and golf courses caused our inflation problems.
Although some economists do say the larger $1.9 trillion in spending had some impact on spurring inflation, there is no consensus on that among economists.
Although this ad includes some truthful elements, it significantly exaggerates and misleads about Congresswoman Angie Craig’s role in spending decisions by local governments.
This ad gets a “D” on the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS “Truth Test.”

- An “A” requires nearly complete accuracy with little exaggeration and little or no need for more context.
- A “B” requires mostly accurate information, but gets marked down for minor exaggerations or misleading information.
- A “C” can be the result of inaccurate information or exaggerated information that misleads or gives the viewer no context.
- A “D” is the result of at least half the information being false or misleading to the point of leaving a false impression.
- An “F” is the result of more than half the information being outright false or misleading or out of context.