Minnesota Senate passes long-delayed bonding bill

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The Minnesota Senate passed a nearly $1.9 billion public works construction package a day after the House finally broke months of partisan stalemate and approved the bill.

The package, known as a bonding bill, was the biggest piece of unfinished business leftover from the 2020 regular session.

Minnesota House approves $1.9B bonding bill, will head to Senate Thursday

Twenty-five House Republicans crossed over Wednesday night to give the House Democratic majority more than the 60% supermajority the legislation needed to pass.

The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 64-3 on Thursday afternoon. The bill will now go to Gov. Tim Walz for his signature.

Gov. Tim Walz issued the following statement after the Senate’s vote:

"This bonding bill is a smart investment that will create thousands of good-paying jobs, deliver improvements to local projects throughout Minnesota, and make our state a better place to live. It’s been a long journey. By finally coming together and working across the aisle, Minnesota proved once again that if Washington won’t lead—we will."

Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan added, "I’m grateful to see the Minnesota Legislature has passed a strong and equitable bonding bill that includes a $30 million investment in projects in Black and Indigenous communities and communities of color. Many Minnesotans across the state have worked for years to bring the investments in this bill—and the jobs that will follow—to their communities. Today, that hard work paid off, and we can all be proud."