KSTP/SurveyUSA: Minnesotans split on Walz, Trump COVID response

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Minnesotans have much different views about how President Donald Trump and Gov. Tim Walz have handled their response to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to our new KSTP/SurveyUSA poll, 38% of Minnesotans approve of how the president has responded, with 56% disapproving. That compares to 58% who say they approve of the governor’s response, with 36% disapproving.

While the governor’s approval is much higher, it has fallen considerably since our poll in May showed him with an 82% approval.

"The reason he has a 58% rating of approval in this very difficult time is because he’s been consistent, he’s been thoughtful and he’s been transparent," said former DFL state Senator Ember Reichgott Junge.

Our poll also asked about the focus of the state’s response to the pandemic. Of 1,2000 adults surveyed, 28% said the state is too focused on keeping people healthy and 16% said it’s too focused on the economy and saving jobs. Another 43% said the state is striking the "right balance" between the two.

President Trump is again negotiating on a new economic stimulus deal after calling off talks earlier in the week. Republican political analyst Brian McDaniel said the president could help his approval rating with another round of economic stimulus to help people and businesses hurt by the pandemic.

"I applaud the governor," McDaniel said. "I applaud the president and I think the president and Congress should get a relief package done and get it out here."

Click HERE to see more of the poll results.