Klobuchar calls on supporters on eve of Iowa caucuses

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With the Super Bowl on in the background, presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar urged a large crowd of supporters to go out and garner last-minute support for Monday’s Iowa caucuses.

"The Vikings aren’t in (the Super Bowl), but I’ve gotten over it," the Minnesota senator said at a campaign stop at a Johnston, Iowa, restaurant. "And this way, instead of focusing my energy on the Super Bowl, I will be focusing my energy on the Super Bowl of the caucuses tomorrow night."

During her remarks, Klobuchar thanked her supporters who have worked to spread her message while she has been tied up with the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

"We have got to make up for the fact that all I’ve been doing is doing my job," she said. "And it’s never been more stark for us, I think, to see why I am running for office."

At the event, a number of supporters said they believe Klobuchar is the candidate that can defeat Trump come October.

"She is strong, she can work with everybody, but she’s not going to take a lot of crap," Kim Robinson of Clive, Iowa, said. "If Trump starts throwing rocks, she’s going to start throwing rocks right back."

Supporters also favored what they perceive as a more moderate approach to politics.

"I see Amy as a get-it-done type of person," Klobuchar supporter Karen Peters said. "I’m really tired of the polarization of both parties to the far-right and the far-left. I want someone who can bring everyone together and is willing to compromise to bring things together and advance them forward."

Randi Rosejackson, a supporter from Georgia, echoed Peters’s thoughts on Klobuchar, saying her time in the Senate shows she’s is an effective lawmaker.

"I believe out of all the candidates she has the highest electability and has been able to get tons done in the Senate while she’s been there," Rosejackson said. "So has actual evidence to back that up. And I believe we need a strong candidate."

In her closing remarks, Klobuchar called on her supporters to continue to push her message up until the caucuses to bring as many undecided voters into her camp as possible.

"Go to more doors, get your friends out at the caucuses, get people to go to caucuses you thought would never go to caucuses," the senator said. "Get them out there."

Klobuchar was set to return to Washington, D.C., following the event. However, she plans to return to Iowa on Monday evening.