At Issue: July 11 — Rep. John Thompson embroiled in controversy; MPCA head resigns ahead of GOP ouster

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Rep. John Thompson, DFL-St. Paul, is facing questions over his residency and his legislative seat after being ticketed for operating a vehicle while his driving privileges were suspended. In the stop, Thompson told St. Paul police he was being racially profiled — and now police are looking for an apology.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the Minnesota Senate adjourned the special session, but only after Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Commissioner Laura Bishop resigned. Bishop had been a target of Republicans, who could vote to not confirm her, because of implementing clean car standards. The session also wrapped up with lawmakers already eyeing a September special session when they will have to decide how to distribute bonus money for essential workers during the pandemic.

The Minnesota Capitol is losing a mainstay. Paul Mandell, a longtime member of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board, retired.