At Issue: Aug. 20 — Rebate checks start going out, interview with Chief Justice Lorie Gildea

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After nearly two years of debate and compromise, tax rebate checks are on their way to Minnesotans.

More than 2 million households will soon see money in their bank accounts or mailboxes. Some families will get up to $1,300, but many will get much less.

And law enforcement agencies say they’re concerned about new rules school resource officers must follow when dealing with violent students. One police chief who spoke with 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS says the language of the new law impacts officers’ ability to protect students, but Gov. Tim Walz contends agencies are misinterpreting the changes.

Chief Justice Lorie Gildea of the Minnesota Supreme Court, who will retire from her role this fall, joined “At Issue” to reflect on her judicial career and look ahead to what a Walz appointee could mean for the state’s highest court.

Plus, hear from Republican U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber on whether he’ll continue to support former President Donald Trump now that he has been indicted for a fourth time since leaving office. In the studio, our political analysts — Republican strategist Andy Brehm and former DFL state Sen. Ember Reichgott Junge — weigh in on Trump’s future.