Vikings celebrate Black History Month with discussion panels

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The Minnesota Vikings on Tuesday held discussion panels featuring current and former coaches and players as part of celebrating Black History Month.

The panels featured defensive end Stephen Weatherly, Co-Defensive Coordinator and Defensive Line Coach Andre Patterson, and Vikings legends Alan Page and Carl Eller.

For the last 60 years, Vikings legend and former Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page has inspired students of all ages. He participated in the discussion at the Vikings Museum.

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Page was drafted in 1967 and received advanced college degrees during his pro football career.

He says there’s a reason Black History Month is so important to him.

"It’s a recognition of the contributions African Americans have made to this country, and a recognition of the history we have had with this country from slavery through today," Page said.

During two separate sessions, students from Eden Praire, Minneapolis North, Focus Beyond and Paladin Career and Technical high schools participated asked questions and learned from the Vikings.

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"There are those who will discriminate against you, whether it be on the basis of your race or gender or your religion or whatever… it’s important to remember that is the other person’s problem, it’s not yours," Page said.

As they celebrated Black History Month, panelists also gave advice about education and success.

"Working hard, seeking excellence… I would say as much as anything, it’s seeking excellence for the sake of excellence, not for the sake of winning," Page said.

Afterward, the students had the opportunity to tour the Vikings Museum.