Milaca archery club heads to national competition

The Milaca archery team will take their skills to a national competition


The archery club in Milaca continues to hit the mark, and has over 30 archers qualify for a national competition in Louisville, KY. later this month.

Milaca’s archery program started nine years ago, and has grown to over 100 archers in grades 4-12.

“It used to be one or two line times every other night, now it’s every night the line times are jammed packed,” said Benjamin Mott, a 14-year-old archer at Milaca.

In archery, girls compete next to the boys and sometimes high schoolers can be shooting next to middle schoolers. They key, is all about focus to hit the sweet spot of the target.

“In a competition, you want to win, you want to do better than the other school,” said 15-year-old Milaca archer, Landon Oakes. “You want to try to get first place but it’s really about trying to beat your own personal best score every time. Trying to do better evert arrow.”

Milaca has 37 archers in elementary, middle school and high school levels competing at Nationals in Louisville. That is the most they have ever sent to this competition.

“I’m excited to shoot but nervous too, because it’s in Kentucky and it’s more competitive and stuff,” said 13-year-old Kendal Vesel. She already won a state title this spring.

Click here, for more information on the Milaca archery program.