Kennedi Orr is named the Minnesota HS Volleyball Player of Year for 2020

Eagan high school senior Kennedi Orr is named the Minnesota HS Volleyball Player of the Year for 2020. Orr has one of the most recognizable names in the high school volleyball circles. She’s been on varsity for five years for Eagan high school. Orr has won two state championships, been a runner up in the state volleyball tournament three times, she’s also been named to the all-state tournament team three times.

Orr has been an all conference player four times, she was also named the All-metro player of the year for 2019 and holds a 149-11 record as a high school player.

Orr will attend the University of Nebraska in 2021 to continue her volleyball career.

Others volleyball players being considered for the award were: Claire Vekich from Greenway high school, Erin Lamb from Stewartville, Kira Fallert from Concordia Academy and Lauren Crowl from Eastview high school.