Wisconsin Congressman expected to propose bill making Apostle Islands National Lakeshore a National Park

Apostle Islands proposed to become a National Park

If a soon-to-be proposed bill is approved, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore could become Wisconsin’s first full-fledged National Park.

U.S. Representative Tom Tiffany (R-Wisconsin) says he plans to propose a bill later this month that will turn the National Lake Shore into a National Park.

Tiffany argues for the islands becoming a National Park, saying the combination of unique features makes them a truly special place for the entire country to enjoy.

According to the National Park Service, three requirements need to be met for an area to be designated as a National Park:

  • The area must possess national significant natural, cultural or recreational resources,
  • Be a suitable and feasible addition to the National Park System,
  • Require direct NPS management instead of protection by some other government agency or by the private sector.

Following these requirements, it can be incorporated into the park system through an act of Congress.

The Apostle Islands are located in Lake Superior and became a National Lakeshore on September 26, 1970, encompassing 69,372 acres, of which 27,323 acres are submerged lands in the lake.

Before the area became a National Lakeshore, it held a rich history to area Native American tribes, who have occupied the islands and surrounding area for thousands of years, according to park officials.

More information on the National Lakeshore can be found on the area’s website.