Drought Monitor shows Minnesota is drought-free for the first time since 2022

Courtesy: US Drought Monitor. (Left: data from 06/04/24. Right: 06/14/22)
While dry weather persists in the land of many Lakes, the US Drought Monitor shows that Minnesota is experiencing no droughts.
It hasn’t happened since June 22, 2022, when the US Drought Monitor listed over ten counties as abnormally dry. The next week, a moderate drought was declared in southern Minnesota, before conditions spread across the state and harshened. Now, according to data collected on June 4, 2024, Minnesota is not showing any signs of drought conditions anywhere in the state.
While the 714-day drought streak has ended, dry conditions are still being felt in six counties in northern Minnesota. Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Koochiching, Itasca, and Cass counties still have portions of their areas in an “abnormally dry” declaration.
Other areas of the state are dealing with the opposite problem, as rainfall has elevated water levels in the Mississippi River.