DNR urges Minnesotans to monitor statewide fire conditions

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is urging Minnesotans to monitor statewide fire dangers and burn restrictions as dry weather and drought conditions across the state are favorable for wildfires.

According to the DNR, wildfire risk has increased in southwestern and northeastern Minnesota where below-normal rainfall occurred this summer. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, those areas are experiencing abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions.

Red flag conditions are possible this weekend in the southwest part of the state, according to the DNR. A red flag warning was issued Tuesday for 19 southern Minnesota counties. It has since expired.

With fire concerns being top-of-mind, DNR Wildfire Prevention Supervisor Casey McCoy urged homeowners and landowners to consider alternatives to burning yard waste that builds up in the fall.

The DNR also warned that farming equipment, campfires in the woods and vehicles parked over tall grass can all be fire-starting sources.

For information about fire risks and burn restrictions, click here.