Wren’s Thursday Evening Forecast

Good evening! It’s been a cool, but pleasant Thursday forecast. Winds tonight become stay light and variable, with mainly clear skies overnight. Some patchy fog will form late tonight, and you may need the low-beams as you’re out and about on the roads early tomorrow morning. Overnight lows will be colder tonight than any other night in this 7-day forecast, as we dip down into the mid-teens, with single digits across most of the northern half of the state of Minnesota.

Highs tomorrow are seasonably in the mid-40s, with mostly sunny skies and relatively light southeasterly winds. We’ll see a bit more cloud over this weekend with partly cloudy skies and few flurries possible at times. Temperatures over the weekend do look a little cooler now than they did at the start of this week. So plan on highs in the mid-to low-40s both Saturday and Sunday.

Have a wonderful night!