Pleasant and warmer weekend forecast

Good evening and Happy Friday!! Today’s sunshine this afternoon helped the metro warm back in the low 50s! Winds this evening are out of the north, but as high pressure builds in from the northwest, winds become light and variable. Overnight some patchy fog is possible mainly north of I-94. Partly to mostly cloudy skies are in place overnight, with winds ending up out of the south into Saturday morning. Partly to mostly sunny skies are possible tomorrow morning for the metro and southern Minnesota, with some increasing cloud cover into the afternoon.

There is a slight chance for a spotty shower tomorrow, but any light precipitation is more likely up north. Sunday is a mostly cloudy forecast, but it’s also a warmer one. Highs are at least in the mid-50s for the Twin Cities Sunday. Winds pick up Sunday, and we end up with a windy afternoon and evening. Scattered showers are possible Sunday, but rain is more likely evening and overnight.

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy the mild November weather!
