Sunny Pleasant Weather continues Today.

Pleasant Sunny Mild Weather Conditions will continue into this Labor Day Monday in the Twin Cities with Sunshine Today and South Winds at 5 to 10 mph and highs in the upper 70s. Clear Skies Tonight with Patchy Fog in some of the River Valleys overnight and lows by 7 a.m. Tuesday in the upper 50s.

Sunny and becoming Breezy on Tuesday with highs in the upper 70s and Winds from the South at 10 to 15 mph. Clear Skies Tuesday night with lows by Wednesday morning near 60 degrees.

Sunny to Partly Cloudy, Breezy and Warmer on Wednesday with Muggy Conditions developing and highs in the low 80s with dew point temperatures in the mid 60s during the afternoon. Increasing Clouds Wednesday evening with Scattered T-Storms developing after 8 p.m. and a Few Strong T-Storms with Gusty Winds and Heavy Downpours are possible from Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Lows by Thursday morning in the mid 60s.

Cloud and Sun Mix on Thursday with Scattered Showers and T-Storms on and off through the day – some of the T-Storms could be Strong. Highs Thursday in the mid to upper 70s then turning Cooler into Friday with lows by Friday morning in the mid 50s.

Fall Weather Conditions on Friday with Cool Breezy Northwest Winds and Mix of Clouds and Sun with Scattered Light Showers possible in the afternoon. Highs on Friday only in the mid 60s then lows falling to near 50 degrees by Saturday morning.

Saturday will be Partly Cloudy, Breezy and Cool for early September which will set the Twin Cities up for the Coolest morning since May 25th when the morning low was 48 degrees and the low Sunday morning around 48 degrees. Sunday will be Sunny and Warmer with highs in the low 70s. JONATHAN YUHAS