Sunday morning weather for May 5, 2024

MSP Forecast, Sunday May 5, from meteorologist Mace Michaels

TODAY:  Mostly sunny, warmer.  High 71.  Wind SW 5-10 mph.

TONIGHT:  Mostly clear, not as cool.   Low 49.  Wind SE 5-10 mph.

MONDAY:  Morning sunshine, mild and breezy with increasing clouds for the afternoon, 80% of showers and thunderstorms after sunset.  High 75.  Wind SE 10-20 mph, gusts to 30 mph.

TUESDAY:  Early showers and storms, then a mix of sun and clouds. Another chance (70%) for afternoon and evening storms.  57/72.

WEDNESDAY:  Partly sunny with a few afternoon showers and thunderstorms (40%).  52/71.

THURSDAY:  Mostly cloudy, a few showers around (40%).   49/62.

FRIDAY:  Maybe an early morning shower (30%), otherwise partly cloudy.  46/64.

SATURDAY:  Mostly sunny, near average.  47/68

The average low and high for the extended period is 46 and 66 degrees.