Warm and dry weather holds

Here’s your Tuesday evening forecast for February 20, 2024 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Wren Clair.

Good evening! Today’s highs were back into the mid-40s, nearly 15 degrees above average highs for the Twin Cities. Tonight’s lows are in the mid-20s for most of the state, with light and variable winds. Some patchy fog is possible, but I don’t expect that to be widespread. We continue to melt our snowpack this week and we’ll likely see bare ground by the end of the workweek. Overnight lows stay below freezing, so watch out for areas of ice/refreeze each morning.

Temperatures tomorrow make a run for the low-50s, with partly to mostly sunny skies. Thursday is sunny and breezy with high temperatures in the mid-40s. Friday is a bit cooler with highs in the mid-30s, but we warm right back up into the 50s by Sunday, potentially low-60s Monday. We stay dry this workweek into the weekend.

Have a wonderful night!
