Monday afternoon forecast

Here’s your Monday afternoon forecast for March 6, 2023 from KSTP Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

That 3 to 6 inches of wet, heavy, fresh snow in the Twin Cities is virtually gone from the roads. The lingering puddles could refreeze in your neighborhood overnight. Overall, expect very quiet weather tonight through Tuesday. By Wednesday, light snow returns to western Minnesota in the afternoon. It pushes east and reaches the metro late Wednesday afternoon through the evening. This would be very light snow, maybe totaling an inch or two by Thursday morning.

A bigger snowfall is likely Thursday evening through Friday morning. At this time, most of it would fall during off-peak hours for traveling. However, any events Thursday night will likely deal with gusty winds and snow-covered roads. The Friday morning commute will probably be slippery and take you a little longer to get where you need to go. This round of snow will be good packing snow, so despite the gusty winds, blowing snow should not be an issue. Stay up to date with Minnesota’s Weather Authority this week, because this will likely be another plowable snow.