Ken Barlow says, the windy and cold air will not last

Good Monday morning!

Wow! That wind!

Early this morning at Twin Cities International airport the wind gusted to nearly 50 mph!

The wind will continue this morning and then slowly dying off this afternoon.

The air is cold out there this morning.

Well, at least “cold” compared to most of the way this fall has been!

The cold air will only be here for one day and one night.

Warmer air invades late tonight, and temperatures will rise from a minimum of the teens, into the 20’s by Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, we will see afternoon temperatures rise to nearly 40-degrees and remain in the 40’s for the rest of the week.

The weekend will be mild with temperatures in the 40’s and some rain by Christmas Eve and perhaps Christmas Day as well. No accumulating snow in sight.

Have a great day!
