July 2023 will end with Comfortable temperatures in the 80s.
It has recently been Hot in the Twin Cities the past Week but overall July 2023 has been Cooler than June 2023 and the average Twin Cities temperature to date July 30 is 74.6 degrees which is only +0.2 degrees above average. Temperature during month of July has been above 90 degrees 9 times making the total since May of +90 degree days at 20 days ( average +90 degree days is 13 days ).
Upcoming Week will see Increasing Heat and Humidity for the week of August 2023 with temperatures near 90 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday along with Humid conditions. Isolated T-Storms will be possible this Thursday evening and Saturday evening.
Sunny this morning then Partly Cloudy and Pleasant.
HIGH: 81 Degrees
Wind: North 5 at 10 mph.
Clear Skies with Patchy Fog near Lakes.
LOW: 61 Degrees.
Wind: Light Winds.
Hazy Sunshine and Warmer.
HIGH: 86 Degrees.
Wind: Southeast 5 at 10 mph.
LOW: 67 Degrees.
TUESDAY……………….……..88 / 69 Hazy Sunshine.
WEDNESDAY………………..90 / 71 Partly Cloudy, Hot & Humid.
THURSDAY……………………90 / 70 Hazy, Hot & Humid with Isolated T-Storms possible after 10pm. Chance for Isolated T-Storms after 10pm is 20%.
FRIDAY………………………….84 / 68 Partly Cloudy & Less Humid.
SATURDAY…………………….83 / 66 Partly Cloudy with Isolated Evening T-Storms. Chance for Isolated Evening T-Storms is 20%.
The average low and high for the extended period is 65 and 83