Get ready to see a few peeks of sun on Sunday

Here’s your Saturday evening forecast for January 27, 2024 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

If you looked really hard in parts of the Twin Cities Saturday afternoon, you might have been able to see some faint shades of blue. While the clouds stayed over the eastern half of the state, holding highs in the 30s, sun pushed some cities into the 40s in southwest Minnesota. Initially tonight, the sky will stay clear to the west, but that will allow dense fog to develop after midnight. Across the eastern half of Minnesota into Wisconsin, the low clouds stay over us with occasional drizzle.

Most of Minnesota should see at least a few breaks in the clouds Sunday afternoon. That will be enough to boost temperatures into the upper 30s, with a few places reaching 40°. It all depends on who sees a little more sun for those 40s. Clouds will be back Monday, but warm highs in the low 40s are likely. Spotty rain and snow showers are possible Monday evening through early Tuesday morning. No snow will accumulate, and rain totals would be trace at best. Northwest winds pick up Tuesday, bringing in more clouds, and dropping highs into the mid and upper 30s.

A couple of things have changed about the big warm-up heading our way. Highs will still be almost 20° above average through the middle of the week, reaching the low to mid 40s. However, models are trending a core of cooler air a little more west across the Great Lakes. If this trend continues, it might mean temperatures stay more in the low 40s, which is still very warm for early February. However, if that cold air nudges a little more east, the Twin Cities might make a run toward 50° at least one day next week.