Clouds gradually clear Saturday night, early Sunday

Here’s your Saturday evening forecast for February 10, 2024 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

You never bet against low clouds in the winter. The clouds held across most of Minnesota and Wisconsin Saturday, keeping temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s. Gradually, those clouds will break apart tonight as high pressure moves in from the Dakotas. Expect more sun on Sunday with highs climbing into the upper 30s and low 40s from the Twin Cities to the south. Central and northern Minnesota reach the low to mid 30s. Highs should stay close to those numbers through the start of the new week.

There are two big things we are watching next week. First, there is a chance for light snow late Wednesday through Thursday. In a normal winter, this would not be a big deal. However, it has the potential to be our first accumulating snow in about four weeks, and it could come during the Thursday morning commute. Following that snow, there are two shots of colder air. The first pushes highs into the 20s by next weekend. The second could bring temperatures even colder for heading into the next week.