Another shot of spring temperatures early this week

Here’s your Saturday evening forecast for March 9, 2024 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

After a blustery and sunny day, winds are starting to calm down Saturday night. A clear sky and light winds mean temperatures drop into the upper teens and low 20s for most of the state. When winds turn around to the south Sunday, highs climb into the upper 40s and low 50s. A warm front lifts through on Monday, and that could mean more record highs through Minnesota. Current records are in the low to mid 60s for most cities. Highs likely reach the mid to upper 60s from the Twin Cities through central Minnesota.

Temperatures stay in the 60s through the middle of the week, then we start seeing small rain chances move into the region. These are unlikely to be the big drought breakers we need heading into the warmer months. They might be just enough to clear some of the dust off things outside. The best chances for scattered light rain are on Thursday and Friday. More clouds will keep highs in the 50s through the end of the work week, and could drop back into the 40s by the weekend.