35W Bridge to be lit orange Tuesday during Worker Memorial Day

The Interstate 35W Bridge will be lit orange and the Minnesota Department of Transportation will honor those who’ve been killed or injured while working on state roads during Worker Memorial Day, Tuesday.

Since 1960, 35 MnDOT workers and 15 contractors have died while working on Minnesota highways, according to MnDOT.

Due to the ‘stay at home’ order, MnDOT won’t host any public events to mark the day this year.

"Hundreds of men and women are working on our roadways every day to improve our state’s transportation system," said Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher. "All Minnesotans share in the responsibility of ensuring these dedicated workers make it home safely to their families at the end of the day."

MnDOT also reminded the public that drivers and passengers suffer the vast majority of work zone deaths and injuries, and urged drivers to:

  • Stay alert,
  • Watch for signs, equipment and workers,
  • Minimize distractions behind the wheel,
  • Avoid tailgating,
  • Follow posted speed limits and signs,
  • Be patient, especially during peak travel times.

The list of fallen workers can be seen here.