While cigarette use is at an all-time low, health officials are trying to curb teen vaping

The number of U.S. adults who smoke cigarettes is at an all-time low.

While people wean off traditional cigarettes, more people are using electronic cigarettes. The insight into smoking and vaping habits comes from an early look at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s annual health survey.

Asking more than 27,000 adults, the CDC reports 1 in 9 adults say they currently smoke cigarettes and 1 in 17 say they vape e-cigarettes.

The bump in vaping is a familiar trend in Minnesota — specifically for teenagers. The state saw a sharp spike from 2016-2019 in teen vaping, and numbers from 2019 highlight more than 26% of 11th graders reported to have vaped in the past 30 days.

Numbers are improving, though. The latest data from the Minnesota Department of Health’s 2022 student survey shows 14% of 11th graders reported vaping in the past month.

“There’s still a lot we don’t know about the health impacts and the long-term health impacts of e-cigarettes and vaping,” said Mike Sheldon with MDH.

Sheldon is part of the team behind MDH’s free Quit Partner program that offers coaching and products to help Minnesotans stop using tobacco products.

“Certainly free, comprehensive cessation programs like this are really part of what helps to drive down smoking rates,” Sheldon said.

He adds there is a program specifically designed to help teenagers called My Life, My Quit.

While the negative health impacts aren’t fully understood surrounding vaping, doctors still advise against it.

“The most important take-home message is not to think of vaping as a safe alternative to cigarettes,” said Dr. Andrew Stiehm, a pulmonologist with Allina Health.

Stiehn is encouraged by the increasing pressure on companies accused of making this problem worse. Just last week, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced a settlement in the state’s lawsuit against Juul Labs and tobacco giant Altria over the way it marketed its products.

“It’s best to do neither [cigarettes nor e-cigarettes],” Stiehn added. “Neither is good for your health, and it’s best to just avoid all of the above.”