Waseca Public Schools notifies one teaching staff tested positive for COVID-19

Waseca Public Schools announced Sunday one of their teaching staff had been tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the statement, Waseca Public Schools had a consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health after finding out one of the teaching staff has been tested positive. They were told by MDH the case does not meet the CDC definition of exposure because the person has not been in the district since Friday, March 13
The person did not develop the symptoms until March 17.
Schools were closed to all but essential staff through March 19. Therefore, MDH said the workers do not need to stop on-site operations.
They have indicated that there is “no risk identified at this time.”
According to Waseca Public Schools, because of the context of the specific case, they did not require a community notification, but they chose to notify due to giving their community the most up-to-date information.
The schools will continue operations on Monday, as teachers continue preparation for Distance Learning that will begin on March 30th.
To read the full Waseca Public Schools' statement, click here.