Video game aims to bring Ojibwe culture to life

Promoting Ojibwe language and culture

There is a new video game in the works that is designed to promote the Ojibwe language and culture. 

It’s being developed by a local group called Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia. The name of the game is “Reclaim!” and it centers around the Ojibwe language and culture. 

It’s an all-ages, point-and-click adventure game featuring a girl who must solve problems and engage with other characters while learning the culture.

“The big impetus for this game is to create a third space for the language. A lot of times it’s in classrooms or the ceremonies, this is creating a fun and recreational spot to use the language,” said developer Anangookwe Hermes-Roach.

“I think we learn much differently through play than someone giving you a bunch of information or a lecture,” said Professor Mary Hermes of the University of Minnesota’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

In the next year, developers will be conducting play tests and auditioning actors. The game is expected to be released in January 2026.