Upgrades at Dakota County dam may lead Minnesota in power conservation

Upgrades at Dakota County dam may lead Minnesota in power conservation

Upgrades at Dakota County dam may lead Minnesota in power conservation

In Minnesota, Dakota County may lead the way in power conservation.  

Dakota County officials say upgrades at the Lake Byllesby Dam near Cannon Falls could soon make Dakota the only county in the state to generate more electricity than its buildings and facilities use.

“It is exciting,” Dakota County engineer Mark Ryan said. “It is a rare opportunity.”

The nearly $50 million project on the more than century-old dam includes a new powerhouse building, along with new turbines from Austria and generators from India.

“You don’t get to work on refurbishment projects,” Ryan said. “They’re difficult. They’re challenging for sure, kind of tapping into something that’s 100 years old and remaking it and having that dam still stand there in the end.”

Dakota County officials say the additional power will generate over $1 million in annual revenue to help hold down county taxes.