TRUTH TEST: Craig TV ad attacking Teirab gets a ‘D’

TRUTH TEST: Craig TV ad attacking Teirab gets a ‘D’

TRUTH TEST: Craig TV ad attacking Teirab gets a 'D'

Democrats across the country found the abortion issue to be a winning one in the 2022 elections after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. It’s clear they will continue to use that issue in hopes of winning more elections in 2024. A new TV ad from Second District Congresswoman Angie Craig misleads its way into a “D” grade on the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS “Truth Test.”

“My patients come from all walks of life facing unimaginable circumstances,” says an OB/GYN only identified as “Dr. Beth.” She goes on to say, “I am worried about Joe Teirab because he wants to make our reproductive rights go away,” which is followed by an audio recording of Teirab saying, “I want to be part of the consensus and solution to make it go away.”

It is true that Teirab opposes abortion. He explained in an interview on “At Issue” in August why he opposes abortion in most cases. “When my mom was pregnant with me, she actually got plugged into this pregnancy resource center that encouraged her, loved her, supported her, and I’m only here to this day because of that.”

The Craig ad leaves the impression that Teirab has an extreme view on abortion. “Joe Teirab would let politicians ban abortion even in cases of rape, incest and in the event the life of the mother was at risk,” the doctor says in the ad.

That line is carefully worded to say Teirab “would let politicians ban abortion even in cases of rape, incest” and to save the life of the mother. Teirab does support leaving abortion laws up to the states and says he does not support a federal abortion ban. However, he’s very clear when he says there should be exceptions to abortion restrictions.

“Personally, I am pro-life,” he said on “At Issue” in August. “I believe in the exceptions of rape, incest, and life of the mother…”

Because the Angie Craig campaign ad leaves the strong impression that Teirab approves of abortion bans with no exceptions, contrary to what he says, the ad gets a “D” on the “Truth Test.”

Truth Test
How KSTP Grades Political Ads in Truth Test
  • An “A” requires nearly complete accuracy with little exaggeration and little or no need for more context.
  • A “B” requires mostly accurate information, but gets marked down for minor exaggerations or misleading information.
  • A “C” can be the result of inaccurate information or exaggerated information that misleads or gives the viewer no context.
  • A “D” is the result of at least half the information being false or misleading to the point of leaving a false impression.
  • An “F” is the result of more than half the information being outright false or misleading or out of context.