‘There were trees everywhere’: Recent storm creates huge cleanup for Isanti County retreat

Recent storm creates huge cleanup for Isanti County retreat

Recent storm creates huge cleanup for Isanti County retreat

More than a week after storms hit Isanti County, some people are still cleaning up the damage.

A religious retreat near Saint Francis is picking up close to a thousand trees that the storm tore down last week Monday night.

13 of the 25 buildings at Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center were also damaged.

“There were trees everywhere,” Executive Director Tim Drake said. “It was impossible to get anywhere. Go over trees, under trees, around trees. I just have never seen devastation like we had.”

The non-profit has set up a fundraiser to help with the cleanup and repair costs.

“The beauty of that is we have a generous benefactor who agreed to match one to one, so for every dollar that’s raised, they’ll match a dollar which is wonderful,” Drake said.