Satanist display at Capitol countered with prayer, Christmas music

Satanist display at Capitol countered with prayer, Christmas music

Satanist display at Capitol countered with prayer, Christmas music

A controversial satanic display at the Minnesota State Capitol was greeted with prayers and Christmas music by dozens of Christians who showed up to demonstrate Wednesday.

“We are breaking any curse. We are breaking any kind of claim that those who follow the defeated Satan think that they have,” said one prayer leader.

The colorful display featuring a Phoenix rising from the ashes with a satanic symbol above first appeared at the Capitol on Dec. 13. The “Minnesota Satanists” have a permit for the display just outside the Capitol Rotunda to stay up until Dec. 27.

“I am here because I am a Christian and a believe in Jesus Christ and this is a time we are celebrating Christmas,” said Rep. Jim Nash, (R) Waconia. “The people who are doing this have the right to do so. Does it bother me to my soul? Yes. Will I speak out against their message? Yes. Will I expect my own state to protect my Christian beliefs if I and others try to get something placed here? Absolutely yes.”

A spokesperson for the Minnesota Satanists, Asmodeus Sion, told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS, “We chose the State Capitol because we wanted a location that allows for religious plurality” and they wanted to spread “joy and beauty in the community.”

Someone knocked the display over late Tuesday and it was taken down for a short time Wednesday morning while minor repairs were made. It was back up by late morning.

The Minnesota Department of Administration rules allow many kinds of displays, acknowledging on its website, “The fundamental American right to peaceably assemble, speak, and demonstrate is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US Constitution.”

There is also a Christmas tree on display in the Capitol Rotunda a short distance from the satanic display.