Safe-U emergency notification sent to U of M campus after ‘disturbance’

Courtesy: MGN
Police say an initial report of shots being fired near the University of Minnesota early Sunday morning is being investigated as a “disturbance.”
According to a Safe-U emergency notification sent at 1:40 a.m. Sunday, public safety officials alerted those on campus that shots were fired on the 1700 block of Southeast University Avenue within the hour, and police had responded.
Minneapolis police say there were more than 100 people present at the property and fireworks were being set off. A woman suffered a leg injury that was initially reported as a gunshot, but it turned out she had jumped from a roof.
A man reported to police he had been driving past that block when his car was hit by a bullet.
A Minneapolis Police Department spokesperson told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the property has been “a major problem” since last spring, and there have been more than 25 calls for service related to the building in the past year.
Case updates and other U of M public safety notifications can be found here.