Rep. Ilhan Omar announces marriage on Instagram

[Courtesy of Ilhan Omar's Instagram]
On Wednesday, Rep. Ilhan Omar announced on her Instagram account she is married. The photo attached to the post shows her and who appears to be political consultant Tim Mynett, who she has been romantically linked to.
Omar did not name her spouse in the social media post.
In her divorce filing, Mynett's ex-wife alleged that he was having an affair with Omar. Omar refused to comment on those claims while Mynett denied them.
In his legal response to his ex-wife's claims, Mynett stated:
"After Ms. Mynett confronted him about the unhappy nature of their marriage, he informed Ms. Mynett that his heart was no longer in the marriage," Tim Mynett's filing reads. It goes on to say, "Mr. Mynett denies that he told Ms. Mynett he was leaving the marriage for Representative Ilhan Omar or that he was in love with her."
Got married! From partners in politics to life partners, so blessed. Alhamdulillah ??
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