Relief from the recent metro area heat wave likely later this weekend

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An end to a recent heat wave is nearly in sight, with slightly cooler weather expected later this weekend.

Less humid air is expected to move into the metro this weekend, Meteorologist Jonathan Yuhas said, bringing with it some relief.

Before that, scattered thunderstorms are possible by Friday afternoon in the metro and a high of 90 degrees is expected, according to Yuhas.

Yuhas said some of those storms have the potential to become severe. Friday afternoon, Yuhas said some minor tree and building damage was reported amid storms in Red Wing.

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Meanwhile, the National Weather Service (NWS) has extended a warning about the heat, saying a heat wave with indices of 95-100 degrees will linger Friday morning into the afternoon.

The NWS advises drinking plenty of fluids, staying in air-conditioned areas, staying out of the sun when possible and checking on relatives, friends and neighbors. Those who must spend time outside are advised to wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing and take frequent breaks in the shade.

Xcel Energy shared a handful of tips on how to keep homes cool:

  • Install a programmable thermostat that raises the setting when the house is empty, and lowers it to a comfortable level when everyone arrives at home
  • Use ceiling fans to help circulate cool air through the home
  • Open interior doors to improve the circulation of cool air inside
  • Use a whole-house or attic fan to draw in cool nighttime air and push out hot air during the day
  • Change air conditioning filters
  • Close drapes and blinds during the heat of the day

Additionally, it’s important to keep an eye on pets during hot weather.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) recommends pet owners avoid exercising pets during the hottest parts of the day. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) also suggests limiting the time pets spend on hot asphalt, as that can burn paw pads.

Just as hydration is key for humans on hot days, the AMVA, ASPCA and American Humane all stress the importance of providing ample water for pets.

Looking ahead, Yuhas said a partly cloudy Monday will see the return of slightly cooler weather, with temperatures in the 80s expected.