Proposed development at public beach in Orono stirs debate

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Summit Park is a small public beach on the southeast shore of Long Lake in Orono — a picturesque spot, even on a frigid Minnesota winter day.

The Dayton family donated the land to Orono for all to use more than 40 years ago, but Long Lake Rowing Crew (LLRC) wants to build a boathouse there and use it as their launch.

It’s an idea the Dayton family says they just learned about and don’t like.

"Quite honestly, we were all really shocked at the idea that this very simple, lovely little park was going to be developed as described," said Brandt Dayton, son of Bruce Dayton, who donated the land back in 1978.

Residents filled an Orono Planning Commission meeting Tuesday to voice concerns.

"Summit Beach land value is somewhere between $2-2.5 million on a conservative day. Where is the financial benefit for the public to give away their land?" one woman questioned.

"I strongly caution the council to take the time to learn why this is not in our community’s best interest," a man suggested.

Despite originally being on the agenda, LLRC asked the city to table the discussion after learning of a letter from the Dayton family, but because so many people were already in attendance, the city allowed public comments.

"The applicant has asked the issue to be tabled, but we will let people speak since I know that is why many of you are here," one board member said.

The letter from the Dayton family reads in part: "We are dismayed to hear that the property our father gave to the City of Orono in 1978 called Summit Park is in danger of being developed."

"We really don’t want to see it happen, it goes completely against what my father had in mind and what the City of Orono agreed upon," Brandt Dayton said.

The rowing club did not want to talk on camera, but sent a statement that reads in part: "We are a community organization serving kids and adults in the community. We take our role in the community seriously and we tabled our application so the city could address concerns from the family that donated the land."

For now, there is no future date set for when this could be revisited, but the city did say Long Lake Rowing Crew may want to take the public comments and consider them if they choose to continue moving forward.