Paul Folger tracks down Twin Cities legend who wishes Hubbard Broadcasting a happy 100th anniversary

Celebrating 100 years of Hubbard Broadcasting with Toby the tortoise

Celebrating 100 years of Hubbard Broadcasting with Toby the tortoise

If you were a kid in the Twin Cities from 1958 to 1974, you probably hitched a ride on this guy when visiting Como Zoo — Toby the Galapagos Tortoise. 

Recently, Paul Folger got a tip on where Toby’s been since he left the Como Zoo in 1974. After some digging, the Mayor’s Office in Honolulu called Paul and told him Toby is living his best life in Hawaii.

So let’s start at the beginning. Toby was born in 1932 and came to Como Zoo in 1958. That’s where he roamed the grounds and became a staple of the place. Kids loved him and he gave many of them rides.

During that time, Toby had a fellow Galapagos friend named Lady Godiva. She died in 1974.

Shortly after Lady Godiva’s death, Toby left for Hawaii. He went to be part of the breeding program there and he never came back to the Twin Cities except for once in 1992. 

The Honolulu Mayor’s Office told Paul that Toby lives in a habitat with the other tortoises, relaxing and eating his favorite snack, cactus. He’s also put on a few pounds, weighing in at over 500 pounds. Toby is 91 years old, and Galapagos can live to beyond 150 years. 

The Honolulu Mayor’s Office made sure Toby is helping Hubbard Broadcasting celebrate its 100th anniversary, at his own slow pace of course. Aloha Toby.