MPRB clears encampment at Peavey Park

Thursday morning, the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board announced that it had cleared an encampment at Peavey Park in the city’s Phillips neighborhood.

MPRB says the eviction of the park’s residents is in accordance with directives in a resolution approved by the board in July that limits encampment sizes and does not allow them within safe school zones.

MPRB clears remaining tents at Powderhorn Park encampment

According to MPRB, a notice to vacate the park was issued on Aug. 10. County and other outreach staff have been on site multiple times since the notice was issued to connect those living in the encampment to service and nearby shelters.

MPRB says efforts to clear the park without law enforcement have been unsuccessful.

“Since Aug. 10, we have sought a peaceful disbandment of the camp, as we have disbanded other camps in the park system. The use of law enforcement has been a last resort at Peavey, as it was at Powderhorn Park,” Superintendent Al Bangoura said in a statement.

Once the park is cleared, MPRB staff will remove tents and other items from the area.