Minnesotans ready for positive change, new beginnings as 2024 kicks off

Minnesotans ready for positive change, new beginnings as 2024 kicks off

Minnesotans ready for positive change, new beginnings as 2024 kicks off

Minnesotans are ready for a fresh start as the new year kicks off, prompting new goals and hopes.

“It’s a good year for renewal and for restoration,” Kailee Petersen, The Local employee, said.

The year 2024 marks a time for celebration but also reflection.

“It was a year for growth and exposure,” Ahrayah Azariah, Minnesotan, said.

2023 may be in the rearview mirror, but the feelings still linger.

“I think it was good for business. People are starting to come back downtown. We’re extending our hours,” said The Local employee Shawnene Chapman.

Some people woke up on the first day of the new year, ready for new beginnings.

“I felt exuberant,” Azariah said. “I made sure I hit the gym this morning. It is a good day.”

When the clock strikes 12, it marks a fresh start, while some are putting an end to New Year’s resolutions.

Some are choosing a different route by manifesting a new chapter.

“A future wife. That’s what I’m looking for this year,” Azariah said.

Whether you think resolutions don’t solve much or planning ahead delivers the best outcome, Minnesotans agree the new year marks a new milestone of hope and change.

“I believe that if we all work hard enough, we can all make a huge change and difference in our world,” Petersen said.