Minnesota expert on JFK documents applauds release, but says they won’t prove conspiracy
U.S. District Judge John Tunheim has had a decades-long legal career, but his most intriguing assignment occurred in the 1990s when President Bill Clinton appointed him chairman of the “Assassination Records Review Board.”
The board was authorized by Congress as part of the “President John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act of 1992.”
Memories of that remarkable time in history adorn the walls of his corner office at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in downtown Minneapolis. “You can see here we’re sitting in the Oval Office having a discussion of our work and everything that we did,” he says as he shows visitors pictures of meetings with President Clinton.
Tunheim was looking forward to the release of more documents regarding the JFK assassination, but he doesn’t expect anything that’s released to change his belief Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and was not part of a larger conspiracy.
“I think that there’s a possibility that we’re going to learn more that will be interesting,” he told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. “It’ll be fodder for analysts who have worked on the Kennedy assassination for many years, who have written books, who have been out there talking about what’s missing. And I think every little piece of the puzzle helps. I don’t think any of these records are going to show anything different than Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of President Kennedy.”
Tunheim says he’s still surprised the document release has taken so long since his five-member board issued a report to the president in 1998. The JFK Records Act initially called for all documents to be released by 2017, 25 years after the bill’s passage. Instead, documents have continued to trickle out over several years until President Donald Trump said they should all be released.
Tunheim still has doubts everything will be released.
“Finally, President Trump is saying everything is going to be released without redaction, but I’ll believe that when I see it because the national security apparatus does want to protect information still even after these many, many years after the assassination.”
Tunheim says the CIA frequently objects to releasing documents that might reveal intelligence-gathering methods or the names of agents and informants. However, he says those arguments aren’t as valid today as they were before.
After more than 60 years, most of those intelligence-gathering methods are outdated, and the agents and informants are no longer alive.