Minneapolis 5th precinct damaged after rocks, paint thrown

The Minneapolis Police Department reported a peaceful protest marching toward the 5th Precinct on Saturday escalated and resulted in the precinct sustaining damages.

According to Minneapolis police, at 10:10 p.m., officers witnessed 50 to 60 people marching toward 3100 block of Nicollet Avenue South.

Police said the march was peaceful, but once the group arrived at the precinct, rocks were thrown and a window had sustained damage from the incident.

The group had also begun to throw paint on the building and cameras, said police.

According to officers, commercial-grade fireworks were shot at the officers, but no officers were injured.

Other officers were called in to assist, but the group fled before officers could stage and arrive.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo made a statement regarding the incident:

“Last night, individuals marched to the Minneapolis Police Department’s 5th Precinct and proceeded to vandalize the exterior of the building and target officers with commercial grade fireworks. This unlawful and senseless behavior will not be tolerated. Acts such as these do absolutely nothing to constructively engage and activate true and real needed reforms. The vast majority of the men and women of the MPD who continue to come to work each day and night are doing so to keep all our communities safe and make a positive difference. I support them and their efforts working professionally during this pandemic, amidst an increase in violent crime and as we diligently press forward in creating a new MPD in partnership with our communities.

To all those engaging in peaceful 1st amendment protected speech and assembly thank you. To those individuals that make the choice to engage in unlawful and destructive behavior, hijacking peaceful protests, your actions will not be tolerated, and you will be prosecuted to the full extent lawfully.”

No further information is available. The incident remains under investigation.