How to prevent grub worms from tearing up your lawn

How to prevent grub worms from tearing up your lawn

How to prevent grub worms from tearing up your lawn

This summer, grub worms are tearing up lawns all across the Twin Cities.

Grub worms are small beetle larvae that feed on grass roots and leave behind a path of destruction. 

Nick Reina, owner of Northstar Lawn Care in St. Louis Park, says there are ways to protect your lawn from grub worms.

“There’s products you can put down to kill them on contact after it’s watered in,” Reina said. “Otherwise, there’s preventive products that you spread over the lawn in granular form. This spring and summer has been much worse than most years for grubs. They are also considered an invasive species within the state of Minnesota so they are pretty prevalent and can cause some serious damage.”

If you grab a chunk of grass and it pulls up like carpet, your lawn may have grub activity.