How do you sleep at night? If you live near the airport, the FAA wants to know

FAA studying relationship between airplane noise and sleep

FAA studying relationship between airplane noise and sleep

If you live in one of the many neighborhoods near Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wants to know how you are sleeping at night.

The agency is sending out surveys in the mail in an effort to recruit volunteers to study noise levels from aircraft and the sleep patterns of residents at airports in 77 cities, including MSP.

University of Pennsylvania Professor Mathias Basner is helping lead the research.

“We want to see what level does noise start to be disruptive and how much noise makes sleep less recuperative,” he said.

Participants will have a sound recorder in their bedroom and wear a small electrode device at night to measure everything from body movement to blood pressure.

They will collect data over five nights of sleep and are looking to see if it qualifies as “quality” sleep.

“For sleep to be recuperative it has to be long enough. It has to have continuity,” Basner said.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) paid for noise-reducing modifications to many homes and schools in neighborhoods around the airport starting in the 1990s, and it is authorized to continue through 2032. Officials with the MAC aren’t sure as of this time how these study results will be used by the FAA in the future.